Oak Ridge Street Painting Festival


Sixty Participating Artists and over $12,000 Raised at the 2020 Oak Ridge Street Painting Festival


Picture by Becky Dodson.
Pictured from left are Leah Yaun winner, Marah Yaun winner, and Jim Dodson, City Council Member and Art Teacher, Oak Ridge Middle School. They won in the Family category with Hannah Yaun.

This year, the Oak Ridge Street Painting Festival saw more than 60 artists participate at Jackson Square and raised more than $12,000 in student scholarships.

Since 2000, the event has become an Oak Ridge tradition that provides an opportunity for local artists to showcase their talents while raising money for scholarships for students at Roane State Community College, thereby supporting an educated workforce for our region.  Artists signed up for one of several categories, including Elementary, Middle, and High School categories, along with Adult and Family. Awards were also given for Best in Show, People’s Choice, and a special Heart for Heroes category, designed to provide inspiration and create a heartfelt gesture of honor towards the heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Street Painting Winners 2020


3rd place – Abby Knot

2nd place – The Hatton Brothers

1st place – Rachael West


Middle School

3rd place – Xlikol Bukovska

2nd place - Morgan Campbell

1st Place – Amber West


High School

 3rd place – Claire Thornton

2nd place – Haven Scott

1st place – Toby Hickman



 3rd place – Sara Wieland

2nd place – Sarah Shorter

1st place – Sonia Summers



 3rd place – Life Reins

2nd place – Andrew & Jessie Ward

1st place – The Yaun Ladies


Heart for Hero’s

 Haven Scott


People’s Choice

 Sonia Summers


Best in Show

 The Yaun Ladies

To see more photos from the event, visit the club's Facebook page here: 

Weekly Bulletin