The Oaktarian - Our Club's History
The Oaktarian has been the club's regular weekly newsletter for almost the entirety of the club's history. Over the years it's format changed from a printed copy to digital pdfs sent via email, to eventually being created housed, and sent out through the current DACdb database system. In Rotary year 2020-2021, during the celebration of the club's 75th Anniversary, club member John Gunning and others worked to created a historical archive of all Oaktarians, in order to preserve our club's history and make it more accessible to all club members.
Digital scans were made of the old paper Oaktarians and those scans were organized by year and added to a central database on Google Drive, so that they could be shared with all club members. Nearly all of the clubs weekly bulletins are now available at this archive, with only a few missing months from 2015. More recent club years are available on this site on the Oaktarian Archive page.
Access older Oaktarians here (opens in a new window).